There I was hopeless, defenseless, waiting for someone to shine a light and show me the way. But all I heard from you was, "We've had too much deregulation" As if THAT was our problem.
I did my research. The people in charge of Fannie and Freddie were former Dems. The people who said there was no problem, was Barney and Nancy. There was no deregulation of the mortgage industry. What there was... democrats watching the cookie jar.
I thought you were for a change. Guess not a change from the Democratic party.
And now this week, you tell that plumber that owns his own business, "I think spreading the wealth around is a good thing." Thats it, you lost me.
Republicans call you a used-car salesman or snake-oil salesman. You're much better than that. I can see those types a mile away. You almost sold me. And you've sold many intelligent people. But thankfully you expressed your true views on the economy and showed me you have no clue.
Barack, I'd now have more respect for you if you were at least honest. C'mon, admit it. You are a socialist.
You may not kill this country when you win. And you WILL win, because you're a damned good salesman. But you won't help it. And we won't quickly recover.
You know WHY the market tanked again today. This nice juicy slip of the toungue on your part hit the news this morning, and the Market lost faith in YOU. But you'll still win. Because most Americans just dont understand what's going on. They see a weak horrible President. The see a weak, lack luster Republican rival running against you, and they see you. The shiny new sports car, the knight in shining armor, ready to take us to the promised land. Yet you offer social programs and a regulated market.
God help us all.
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